Friday, March 30, 2012

Basic Golf Swing Tips

The great thing about golf is that there is so much more to the game itself than most people are aware of. Beginners will find that they have a lot to learn and only by being hands-on and practicing can they hope to get better. There are many basic golf swing tips that golfers of all skill levels should eventually learn to master. One of the most important is your body and how you use it while playing golf.
The majority of people that play golf want to play to the best of their ability and are always looking for ways to improve their skills and technique. By learning the basic body actions that come with this game, you’ll experience a stronger game each time you play. Knowing how to move your body is one of the best ways to master basic golf swing tips.
The most important parts of your body you should be concerned with during your game include your hands and wrists, legs, feet, hips and shoulders and your arms. While the hands obviously play a role in holding the golf club, the wrists also play a key part by allowing the golfer to control the club throughout the action of the swing. With strong hands and wrists, a golfer has the ability to provide a powerful impact when it makes contact with the golf ball. The legs help anchor the golfer in place, with the right leg providing the power needed for each swing. Placing your feet in the correct position will produce a smooth swing sequence. The hips and shoulders play a role in aiding your club in the downswing and the arms help establish the proper distance from the ball as well as provide support throughout the entire golf swing.

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